Thursday, June 12, 2008

OMG, Cyanide and Happiness

I like this comic. Sometimes it flies over my head, but most times it just puts me in stitches. I read today's and first said, "Whaaaa?" and then I was like, "Oh I get it, people can be rude in insensitive. I know what that's like!"

Enjoy. (You'll have to click on it, which will take you to the site so that you can actually read it.)

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @

ETA: Tim helped clarify the genesis of this comic for me in his comment. Still funny, I think. :)


Tim said...

Funny thing is it's actually a parody of a series in the Ctrl+Alt+Del comic that deals with one of the main characters' wife's miscarriage. Here is the original:

The quote at the end of the C&H comic is from a followup news item on Ctrl+Alt+Del that explains the comic. I'm still not sure if C&H is making fun of CAD, but either way the CAD series is in all seriousness and probably mirrors actual experience.

Anonymous said...

Yeahh,it does. Before Tim even started the comic he was in a relationship with a girl, who isn't his gf now, fyi and she had a miscarriage. It's only about 10 comics long which is why I get all uppity when people say they stopped liking CAD when it got all dramatic.. 10 comics.. Give or take.