Friday, June 13, 2008

CD 2

This has been a rough cycle, folks. Very long--38 days. But at long last, my favorite auntie has come to town and today I scheduled my hysterosonogram.

June 23 at 1:15.

Time to wait!


Mel said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your blog! I too was recently diagnosed with a "bi-corny-it" uterus after a missed miscarriage at 10 weeks. My heart aches with you! I just had my D & C follow-up appointment this week (after the second D & C done within a 12 day span because my OB didn't realize I had two lobes to my uterus!) and I've started the journey that you began traveling a few months before I did. Thank you for the information you've provided gives me hope. Still waiting for AF so I can schedule my HSG. Ugh! Thank you again...for your posts, for your honesty and for the glimmer of hope you've given me. P.S. I HATE waiting too!

Liz said...

Coincidences?! I started a blog a few weeks ago (before finding yours obviously)called womb4improvement. I too am waiting for a HSG - I'm currently taking provera to bring on my period (its been 76 days since the last had one). I'll certainly be checking up on this blog again and seeing how you get on, please drop by mine. Good luck.