Thursday, April 17, 2008

Optimism Returns!

Just as I had feared: the HSG was almost a complete waste of time. It was such an uncomfortable procedure, it yielded unexpected results, and the cramping and need to wear pads afterwards brought back some really painful memories from my m/c and D&C. Up until last Thursday, I was thinking, Okay, I have either SU or BU. The HSG had me thinking I either had a unicornuate uterus (do not want!) or a normal uterus tipped to the side for some reason. It took the wind out of my sails and left me quite depressed for a week, though I didn't realize how much it directly affected my mood until...

I had my ultrasound today, and it was a very good experience! I cannot express how much better I feel now. All the people at this imaging center were extremely nice, including the tech who answered all of our (my mom went with me) questions to the best of her ability. Compared to the HSG, this test was downright pleasant. Without going into all the particulars, I am happy to report that I do indeed have two ovaries, and a normal-sized uterus. There is a definite division inside--the tech guessed that the septum goes all the way down to my cervix or near it. We were unable to get a good picture of the outside contour, so I'll probably have an MRI next to determine whether it's normal on the outside (totally fixable) or heart-shaped (partially fixable).

Granted, this is only what I learned from the tech today. The radiologist at this facility will look over the images and make his/her report to my doctor, at which point I'll learn the official findings. But I feel confident now that it is only a matter of time before my uterus becomes "good enough" to support a pregnancy. Please keep the prayers and well-wishes coming that everything will continue promisingly.

And pardon me while I go frolic in the beautiful spring sunshine! :D


jessica @pianomomsicle said...

Yay! Enjoy the beautiful day!

Newt said...

That's great news! Oh, how lovely to have some real answers, finally!


Anonymous said...