Monday, April 14, 2008

Let Me Off

I've changed my mind. I don't want miscarriage. Who do I see to get my baby back? I'd be cool if we could just pick up where we left off, really.

After two months, it hasn't gotten any easier. If anything, it's gotten more difficult. Every time I see a pregnant belly, there's a squeezing sensation in my chest. It's a picture of what my life would be right now if it had continued to be easy. But alas, it feels like my days of getting through life easily are over.

I have a lot of things I want to call my doctor about right now. But I'm still waiting for HSG results. So I'm stuck in limbo again, unable to decide whether to just go ahead and call or wait another day or two for them to call me.

This will probably turn out to be an inaccurate perception, but I feel like I'm waiting for a phone call that will tell me whether I still have hope of having my own children. I do realize it's more complicated than that and at best, there will be more testing to figure out what, if anything (grr), is wrong. But I need something new to look forward to. I need to be told that the next test will give a really clear picture of what's going on and treatment (or cure!) will be right around the corner. I'm losing hope that it will be that relatively simple.

I'm running out of hope on my own; I need someone else to give me some.

I should be finding out if it's a boy or girl right now, not waiting to find out what's wrong with my uterus. So, it would just be much better if I could get my baby back. Please.


Elephantschild said...

(((hugs))) to you, dear sister in Christ.

jessica @pianomomsicle said...

Oh no, my friend. i'm so sorry. i love you a lot.

Anonymous said...

Seeing pregnant women is so difficult after a miscarriage. When you have been through a loss you notice each and every pregnant women and newborn. At the time I lost my son I was living right next door to a home for pregnant teens. Ouch! A woman who had suffered a miscarriage made some suggestions to me that seemed to help her. A lot of them you are already doing. Distraction, pray, wait. I loved the act of making something that reminds me of my baby. I created a scrapbook. I also made a quilt. It made me feel good to make something even if it was just symbolic of him. It was for me. I chose the style and color that I would have loved to wrap him up in but instead I am the one wrapped in this quilt. I will pass this on to his little sisters one day. The process of creating something that was symbolic of my baby gave me great comfort and great distraction. It was wonderful. Maybe this wouldn't be somethng your "into" but it's just a thought.