Thursday, April 24, 2008


At the imaging center when I was checking in for my ultrasound, I peeked at the chart, and I saw the above written in big letters. I had to grin. "Abby someone. Abby Normal." That's me!

Just now, I asked Erich, "Why do I have to be the one with an abnormal uterus?"

His answer, with his signature dimple and eye-sparkle: "Because I don't have a uterus!"

Love that man.


jessica @pianomomsicle said...

Aw. Husbands are silly:)

Think what your mom would say if you were little. (Maybe not your mom, but my mom for sure.)

"Your uterus isn't abnormal-it's unique!"

Newt said...

Big letters, huh? They really know how to charm a girl.

Susan K said...

Yeah, the big letters and the misspelling helped push it from sad to pretty funny. :)

Hannah said...

As Evan M. would have said a few months back, "Erich is noofy!"

Kristin (kekis) said...

Erich wins funny points! We all how men are. They couldn't possibly endure having anything reproductive being "abnormol"!