Tuesday, January 6, 2009

MAs in the News

Here's the latest in TOTALLY AMAZING and UNBELIEVABLE news from the UK: a woman with two wombs has fallen pregnant!

Read all about it at the Daily Mail.

Perhaps I've become a snob about müllerian anomalies since my months immersed in learning as much about them as the internet had to teach me. Heck, I even make sure to put the umlaut over the "u." So, as such, I find it very hard to be amazed by this news item.

Sure, uterus didelphys is one of the more rare MAs, but it's not unheard of. And pregnancy is very possible and probable. Even the doctors cited say her chances of pregnancy is (only) HALF those of regular women. Dear me!

Here are some of my favourite [see what I did there?] parts of the article:

She was unaware of a bigger surprise to come. Her rare condition, uterus didelphys, had not been detected because her body is normal externally.

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait. You can't see a womb (or even two!) from the outside? (They're probably talking about how her dual bajingos have only one opening to the outside, but still.)

Although eight in 10,000 women in the UK have some form of uterus didelphys, only one in a million has exactly Mrs Hasaj's anatomy.

And I bet no one else's septum looked exactly like mine. And no one has my exact liver or just that exact curve of my left fallopian tube. Big deal.

'The baby was kicking and wriggling and it felt wonderful. It made me feel like I was any other mum experiencing the joys of pregnancy.'

Despite the double womb, she's most likely pregnant with a human baby.

The condition does pose some problems because the two wombs are considerably weaker than a normal one.

Well, that's true. I believe UD is like having two unicornuate uterii, so there's risk of intra-uterine growth restriction, premature birth, breech presentation, etc.

Doctors have also told her this will probably be her only baby and her dreams of a large family are unlikely to be fulfilled. 'I'm just happy that I've been given the chance to be a mum at least once,' she said.

Those doctors are complete idiots.

I hope you have enjoyed, as I have, our romp through "MAs in the News" today. It feels good to be such a know-it-all, doesn't it?


Elaine said...

bajingos? :)

Susan K said...

Hehe, I'm imitating a character on Scrubs who said it a lot because she was too embarrassed to say the vagina-word. :)

Kristin (kekis) said...

You have become so English with your umlauts and favourites. :)

How sad is it that I'm jealous that my simple bicornuate uterus can't do what both of hers have done? I sound totally insane.

Susan K said...

Yes, Kristin, müllerian anomalies and IF have a way of making us sound insane far too often. *sigh*

Bernardeena said...

Ahh the daily mail, well known over here for posting drivel and rubbish.

I wonder if they would pay me for my amazing miraculous story too given I also have 2 uterii and 2 cervixes. I doubt it.