Saturday, May 2, 2009

Psalm 113:9

I've taken to reading Psalms at bedtime. I like to read in bed, and that is when I do most of my book-reading, but sometimes an action-packed novel or weighty non-fiction gets to be too much stimulation for my brain, which needs to wind down and rest. The Psalms are generally short and easy to read, and I have the added advantage of getting to know my Psalms better, which is useful for me as a church musician.

The other night, my final reading was Psalm 113. The final verse, verse 9, reads:

"He gives the barren woman a home,
making her the joyous mother of children.
Praise the Lord!"

I could not have found a more comforting verse on which to meditate if I had been searching for it. Praise the Lord!


Anonymous said...

Susan, I always pray this verse for the couples on my "please give a baby" list, including you.

Bernardeena said...

I was reading this very verse last night when thinking about our journey over the past couple of years. When I had my miscarriage last year this seemed to come up a lot, just before and just after I found out, and I found it a real comfort too.I pray God gives you that comfort and blessing too.