Monday, April 20, 2009

Still Trying

But what else is new? I really don't mind, though. It'll happen eventually.

Erich and I were on our way home yesterday from a very short weekend in St. Louis where I held no fewer than three babies, and we spent time with very good friends and family. Erich remarked to me over our cups of Wendy's chili that it was a refreshing change to spend time with family and friends of all ages, i.e. kids included. Not many (not any, I think?) of our friends we see regularly have any kids, and of the four siblings in my family, who we spend a lot of time with, three of us are married but only one of us has one child.

I agreed with Erich. We love our local friends and family, but spending time with self-absorbed young adults all the time can get a bit confining. We restlessly search for something a bit more than day-to-day goings on, career news, and the like. Watching babies and children grow and change is always exciting, and we just don't see enough of that at this stage in our lives. As our conversation continued, Erich gazed out the window into the rain, trying to find the right words. "I just think," he said, "that it's just about having a bunch of kids and going to church."

As I searched for the right "Yes! And..." thing to say, I stopped and realized that he had just said something very close to everything I had ever wanted out of an extremely good-looking husband. I had to melt just a bit. "What?" he said in reply to my stupid smile. "Oh, you just ovulated, didn't you?" *wink* As soon as I could get my convulsive laughter under control, I squeaked out, "Well, I wouldn't be surprised!"

It's easy for us at the moment not to feel terribly impatient in the TTC department because we are currently in the process of buying our first house, and that's a wonderfully exciting endeavor in and of itself. From the perspective of our young adult-style self-absorption, buying a house is so great! But we are already more than ready to be on our way to filling that house with kids.

1 comment:

Kristin (kekis) said...

I hope that you buy the house and fill it with kids very soon!